Final Reflection

Step 3

  • Reflect on the following

A.  How confident are you in the predicted outcome of the written analysis?  20%, 40%, 60%, 80% or 100%


B.   How ‘theory smart’ do you feel after identifying the terms in the article? 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% or 100%


C.  On a scale from 1-10, about how much effort/time did you put into this exam?


D.  What part(s) did you find most challenging?  Easiest?

It was challenging to identify everything in Danny Boy


Step 1

  • Review the Benchmark Goals you set for yourself in Getting Started; What is it that you hope to know and/or be able to do at the conclusion of the course?  

A.  Comment on your semester achievements in relation to your initial goals

At the beginning of this class I wasn't really sure what music theory even was. I just wanted to learn more about music in general and I definitely did.

B.  How well did you achieve your goal?  What goals were met?  What goals were not met?

I met and went way above all of my goals that I set at the beginning of this class. I did not know much about music so it was really quite easy to achieve them. 

C.  How well did you avoid sources of interference to stay on task?

 For me, I never got distracted by a device or peer, but often times I would consciously have discussions that didn't relate to music theory and set me back a tad. However we were always able to get caught right back up and stay focused.

Step 2

  • Review your Self Regulation Inventory located in Getting Started 

A.  Comment on how you addressed the weaknesses you identified and/or how you overcame challenges in regards to achieving success this semester

Leah and I always worked together to combine our brain powers. There were certain areas Leah understood very well and certain areas I understood very well so we made a good tag team and were able to help each other out to overcome our challenges. 

B.  Reassess the 30 true/false statements for the Self Regulation Inventory.  Compare your current ratio to your initial one.

The ratio was much better now than it was at the beginning of the semester especially because Leah and I became aware of when we were off task and our benchmarks and how we had to get caught up. 

C.  How would you approach the process differently if you had another opportunity to learn in this manner?

I wouldn't really do much differently, this learning style worked really well for me. I love the learning environments where you move at  your own pace, use the resources provided by the teacher, and then use the teacher for extra help and clarification. Often times Mr. Freebern had a lot of helpful tips or tricks (pencil trick, FACEGBD, etc.) that you can't really get from anywhere else.

D.  What have you learned about learning?

I have learned a lot about myself with time management. With the work always being there for you to access, it was nice because sometimes I was able to get ahead, and when I fell behind I could see all the work I had to do to get caught up. I have also really enjoyed this class because the grades ever mattered to me and I was really able to focus on the information I was learning and what I was being taught.

E.  How does what you learned relate to other things you have been learning or have experienced?

Everything I have learned in this class has helped me so much with so many other music related things. All of the super easy basic stuff you learn in Unit 1 was all stuff I didn't really know before this class. Most people were able to breeze by those units but I was still learning what a key signature was... no joke. Learning scales and tricks for how to know all the scales has been super beneficial especially to my marimba playing. Learning about harmonization has helped me with singing and everything I have learned has helped with guitar and helped form me into a better musician in general. 

F.  How has your thinking about your thinking(metacognition)changed?

 This is a loaded question for me especially because of the Philosophy club that often took place during B block instead of Thursday flex. I can't really get into it without typing a whole books length response so I'll just say it has changed a lot (to say the least)

Step 3

  • Review the 3 Music Literacy Benchmark Assessments located in Unit 1 and try to answer the questions again in your mind

A.  Comment on the status of your current comfort level with this material relative to the past

Compared to how it used to be, I now have so much knowledge that I didn't have before.

B.  How well did you achieve what you set out to learn?

I learned way more than I thought I ever could in this class, mostly because I didn't even know what there was to learn. There are so many layers to music and once you learn and play around with all of them it really changes you as a thinker, learner, and musician.

C.  What concepts were achieved?  What concepts remain a mystery?

 I learned so many concepts in theory because I really knew nothing before. Dominant 7th chords were challenging though.

Step 4

  • Use the following Work Habits Rubric to guide your responses regarding your semester achievements

A.  Identify areas of strengths

Strengths would be working hard and taking notes and asking questions when I need clarification.

B.  Identify areas of needed improvement

staying on task and not getting distracted by my peers.

C.  What strategies might you use in the future to overcome these challenges?

 Trying to set clear times to work and clear times to be social.

Step 5

  • Briefly review the assignments you have submitted for Units 6-9

A.  Comment on the quality of work reflected in your ePortfolio as well as the content of your manilla folder

I have submitted good quality work throughout the semester where I put in my best work and best efforts. You can really see my improvements throughout the semester, especially in my composition.

B.  Did you modify your approach for the second part of the semester or repeat your approach from the first part?

 I started getting better at working when I'm working, and socializing when I'm done with work.

Step 6

  • Answer the following questions regarding the future use of the course material

  1. Identify 3 of the most important concepts or skills you learned in this course

Reading and playing music, writing music, and identifying things in music.

  1. Explain why you perceive these concepts or skills to be important

Because they are overall skills that I need for all of music and they apply to everything I do

  1. How do you anticipate using these concepts or skills in the future?

 They will help me with band, guitar, singing, other theory classes, etc.

Step 7

  • Please provide some advice and words of wisdom for students taking this course in the future

 Do NOT fall behind. Stay on top of your work and if you fall behind then do work at home; you can access everything online.